Our Experts
Rebecca Bailey, IntraHealth International, Health Workforce Development Team Lead
Rebecca Bailey is a global health and education specialist with over 20 years of experience working in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the US. Through her work with both governmental and nongovernmental organizations, she has contributed to a number of key global health workforce initiatives, including the WHO/GHWA task force on scaling up health workforce education and training and the global consensus statement on the social accountability of medical schools. For CapacityPlus, Rebecca is developing and applying needs-based and competency-based approaches and tools for the preservice education, in-service training, and continuing professional development of health workers. She leads CapacityPlus’s work with the Nursing Education Partnership Initiative (NEPI), including developing school capacity assessments and costing studies, and is creating a framework and tools for improving the management of health professional schools. Prior to this, Rebecca was a technical officer for health workforce education and production for the WHO’s Department of Human Resources for Health.
- Health workforce development
- Preservice education curriculum development
- In-service training and continuing professional development
- Health professional school management
- eLearning and mLearning
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Global health policy
- Health education financing
- Maternal and child health
Selected Publications
Bailey, Rebecca, and Mario Dal Poz. 2010. Building the public health workforce to achieve health-related development goals: Moving forward in collaboration. Journal of Public Health Policy 31:494–497.
Chastonay, P., R. Moretti, V. Zesiger, M. Cremaschini, Rebecca Bailey, G. Pariyo, and E.M. Kabengele. 2012. Health workforce development: A needs assessment study in French speaking African countries. Advances in Health Sciences Education.
Lejnev, I., and Rebecca Bailey. Integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI): A challenge for both health professionals and teaching institutions. 2000. Towards Unity for Health 1:18-19.
World Health Organization. 2001. Integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI): Planning, implementing and evaluating pre-service education and training. Geneva, World Health Organization.
World Health Organization and JHPIEGO. 2005. Effective teaching: A guide for educating healthcare providers. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; Baltimore, MD: JHPIEGO.
Certificate in Education (CEd), Open University, London
MSPH, International Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham
BSc, University of Idaho
French, Italian, Spanish, Thai